Tuesday, September 30, 2008


My tri on Sunday was cancelled due to weather. I guess the site was in pretty bad shape, submerged roads and they had worries of rip currents for the ocean swim so it was right to cancel. Not that I was happy about it, at all. I was pretty upset when I received word on Friday.

So I took a few moments to be upset then signed up for another tri in Montauk, NY for this coming weekend. I am not too thrilled about not having the time to orient myself with the site or the race, and I still need to find a place to stay for Friday night. In any case I think it will be fun and it will give me something to put all my summer training towards.

Now for the story. On Sunday I went out for a leisurely 20 mile ride along the Charles. I just wanted to keep my muscles moving and practice some body position. There were a couple portages... I needed to pick my bike up to go up and down some stairs. Up, Down... Up, CRASH! On the second set of stairs I failed to notice I was coming up on the downstairs until it was too late. I didn't have much time to react and I was going too fast to stop in time (road tires are very slippery, especially when it's a little wet, as it was on Sunday). I figured my only chance was to try to jump them- the last thing I wanted to do was go over the front. So I do my best to get the front tire up... even so I landed the front tire first and it slipped out on me, then the back tire followed. Without a bike left to ride I ended up sliding to a stop on my side. My hip/buttocks took the brunt, the side of my knee got a hefty scrape and the rest was my back and shoulder. I got up, dusted myself off- realized somehow, by some grace I had managed not to break anything I really needed. Next I picked up my bike and it wasn't too bad either. The wheels still round and somehow still true- I think the slippery pavement helped save the bike. Both break levers still worked although somehow they both have scrapes on the front, the bike must have endo-ed after we parted ways. A dropped chain and an off kilter front break were the only real problems and I was able to fix both without even opening my tool pouch. I took a minute to collect myself, I was feeling a little woozy but I managed to make the rest of the route with torn up shorts and a bloody leg.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Thursday morning - 5 mile intervals: 20:40 minutes, 20 minutes. Negative splits again. Keep it up. Friday is rest, I need it.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Some catching up to do:
Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday - some swimming. Watched Ben's Pumpkinman Sprint on Saturday morning. It looked fun but made me nervous about the things I still need to prepare.

Monday morning - 30 minute bike, 30 minutes running.

Tuesday morning - 20 minute run, 40 minute bike. Right knee was too sore to make it a full 3 miles running without risking damage so I switched over to the bike early. I'll keep on the bike for the rest of the week and see if I can get back to running next week. Not a lot of time before I taper. I should probably treat myself to a new pair of sneakers while I'm at it. Upping distance too quickly and worn out shoes could both be contributing to the pain I was getting. Shoes look OK but they aren't new anymore.

Wednesday morning - 60 minutes on the bike, 15 miles. Yay! And a negative split to boot, I had about a minute to catch up after 30 and I somehow pulled it off, it didn't feel like I was working any harder but I did have to bear down the last mile to make the mark.

Wednesday evening - 30 minutes on the bike, 7.3 miles. Not bad but I felt like I was working harder than that. I'm not sure how computer calculates speed and it if takes the resistance into account, to simulate using a higher gear. In any case I was almost a minute back from my intended pace, just like I was this morning so maybe that's how it goes. Maybe I should have taken a split at 15 minutes just to see. Finished up with some weights which I have neglected for a while.

Only 17 training days left! Going to stop by Peak Performance in Portland this weekend to gear up.

Friday, September 05, 2008

This morning worked out better than yesterday but I'm still not at full power.  60 minutes = 14.57 miles on the stationary.  I did find I hit my groove a little better than yesterday.

That will probably be my only workout of the day, which is good because I do need a little rest, my knee could use some ice again this morning but alas I am at work.  I'm headed up to camp tonight so I can cheer on Ben at his triathlon tomorrow morning.  Depending on the timing I might get a swim in tonight.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Part 1:

Ugh, what did I say? Two-a-days? I was up at 7 this morning, all is well. Did 7.2 miles in 30 minutes on the bike and 3.05 miles in 30 minutes on the treadmill. Every pedal on the bike was like working through mud. The treadmill felt just as bad, I was watching the minutes tick away waiting for it to be over- that probably made it worse than it had to be.

I'm not sure if it was the 10 hours between workouts or not eating enough for dinner to be replenished or being dehydrated after sleep or just not being used to working out early in the day but it is something I'm going to have to get over before the end of the month.


Part 2:

60 minutes - 6.1 miles. Longest run of my training. Felt much better than this morning, still kept to a nice, easy pace. My right knee is feeling a little sore so I'm icing it now. Otherwise a nice run and extended my distance a bit.

I also reserved my hotel for the tri weekend. I'm hoping to get a good night's rest although I'm sure I'll be nervous when I get there.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Bike night-

15 miles - 61 minutes, another mile cool down 4:30 minutes.

I was going to run too but ran (haha) out of time instead. I want to start waking up early so I can get used to working out in the morning but I am *terrible* at waking up. Think I can do 2 a days at my age? We'll see.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008


Today I turned 30 years old. I have always avoided marking the event.

30 minutes bike - 7.52 miles
30 minute run - 3.08 miles

25 training days remain - yikes!