Thursday, August 28, 2008

Where's Kevin?

We got internet up at the lake last Thursday so I came up yesterday, brought a wireless router and today I'm working remotely... from a camper, in the woods, at the lake. Truly awesome.

I'm fielding calls from work and actually being really productive. I work on my laptop all day so aside from the social aspects of working in the office I can really work anywhere. Most of my meetings, even with people two cubes away is done via dial-in because we have so many people working remotely or at other sites. It is really quiet up here which is both good and bad, I think I could get used to it...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Bike- 60 minutes, 15 miles Yay!

That is all.


Countdown -(38)- days remaining.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

"3o minute" night

Bike (stationary): 30 minutes - 7.5 miles (15 mph, woo hoo!) Legs felt like sludge starting out, the usual side effect of a too-long layoff, but I'm conditioning myself to realize if I work through it it'll get easier (people tell me that applies to everyday life too but I'm not buying it quite yet).

Run (treadmill): 30 minutes - 3.1 miles (9:41 min-mi., 6.2 mph - nothing to write home about but I was going for an even, easy pace).

A bit of weights work for the arms, not related to "30 minutes", just some filler at the end.

My last real training day was last Thursday... I'm a bit disappointed in that but sometimes things get in the way. Busy at work and a wedding in NJ next weekend means sometimes something has to give. I kinda need my job (until I get sponsored by Adidas, HA!) so some days that has to come first.

I did get a bunch of swimming in on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. My shoulder was talking about it today. I had my sister measure off the distance by GPS and out to the buoy is 1/10 mile. That puts a round trip at .2 mi. Over the course of 3 days I did about 5 laps so about 1 mi. total. Not great but better than nothing. I do need to spend some time on it. Training my body to breath right is going to be the key to surviving the swim with energy to spare. Right now I'm still getting lightheaded by the end. Not tired really but I wouldn't be ready to hop right on a bike which is sort of the point. Proper swim trunks are definitely in my future. Drag suits are really a drag and don't help much with defining or maintaining good technique.

Speaking of trunks, since I was had to go to the mall anyway to drop off a suit for tailoring, I dropped by lululemon to see if I could find some briefs that would avoid the severe chaffing I've been having. Based on tonight's test I think it is a huge success. It was a little awkward to start, the size might be a little off, but overall the range of motion and the feel was a huge improvement over my cotton underwear. During the run portion of my workout I was able to relax a lot more and my muscles felt looser and better circulating. I think I'm done with my old cottons, I just can't see myself going back to the discomfort now. I have a long sleeve shirt I'll have to try next.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

After a day off yesterday to do groceries and laundry (just couldn't fit everything in after a long day at work) I am back in the saddle today.

Bike - 30 minutes - 7.37 miles -> 14.74 mph.
Run - 3.14 miles in 27:37 -> 8:48 min/mi., 6.82 mph
Some weights to wrap things up.

A few notes. I started taking a daily vitamin supplement today that includes some fish oils... I don't know if it is me but I have the worst, erm, assal events in recent memory. I'm going to stick with it for a little while to see if my body adjusts because things just can't go on this way. I mean I'm into being healthy but not at the expense of humanity.

Also I wrapped up my work milestone this evening so my week of work-hell is over. Well, I still have to work tomorrow but I don't have to drive myself through another super-long day.

44 training days until Sept. 28th!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

a bit of a short day-

8.08 miles in 33 minutes on the bike (14.69 mph, meh I felt sluggish).
1.5 miles in 13 minutes (8.67 minute-mile, 6.92 mph, is ok).

then some weights.

... following another 11 hour day, it isn't so bad.


Monday, August 11, 2008

20 miles on the pedal spinner.

15 miles in 60 minutes then 5 more miles in 21 minutes (total 20 miles in 81 minutes, 14.81 mph) so I dropped pace a little down the stretch. I really intended to just do 15 but then I decided to do 3 on the treadmill and both were occupado when I finished my bike.

Followed by 3.17 miles on the treader.

Finished in 31 minutes, for a pace of 9.47 min/mi or 6.14 mph.

...preceded by a long 11 hours at the office. A grinding day for sure.

Friday, August 08, 2008

50! days left for training

Treadmill- 5.25 miles, 53:40 minutes

lap | time || pace | rate |
---------------- ------------------
3.15 mi | 28:20 || 9:00 | 6.66 mph |
.35 mi | 7:00 || 20:00 | 3.00 mph |
1.00 mi | 8:40 || 8:40 | 6.92 mph |
.25 mi | 5:00 || 20:00 | 3.00 mph |
.50 mi | 4:40 || 9:20 | 6.43 mph |
mode || dist. | time || pace | rate |
--------- ----------------- ------------------
at speed || 4.65 mi | 41:40 || 8:58 | 6.69 mph |
recover || 0.60 mi | 12:00 || 20:00 | 3.00 mph |
total || 5.25 mi | 53:40 || 10:22 | 5.87 mph |

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Stationary Bike: 18 miles - 74:30 minutes

would have done 2-3 miles on the tread but they were in high demand tonight.

51 training days remain

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Mountain biking with Tom, no idea on distance...

52 days left to train

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Monday, August 04, 2008

T-minus 54 days

Triathlon Training Log:

Stationary Bike: 14 miles
Treadmill Run: 3.14 miles
~100 minutes(? I think... haven't been focusing on time yet)

T2 transition from bike to running is leg torture so I'm trying to do it as often as I can.

Countdown: 54 days