Saturday, September 17, 2011

Day 5: Dryden, ON to Russell, MB vie Winnipeg

Ontario had signs for moose every hundred yards. Manitoba has wide open spaces. About 20 miles before Winnipeg things got flat. And windy. But more on that in a minute. I decided rather than take the loop around Winnipeg I'd go right through the city. I figured since I had come all this way it'd be a shame to pass it by. And it was nice, I'm glad I took the extra time. One part of the road was liked with elm trees on both sides, really beautiful and very nice for in a city. There were also traffic lights every block so it was slow going. And the sun was out for the first time all day. For the first time in days I actually felt hot. As soon as I got out of the city though it was cloudy again and I was blasted with a cross wind. It was rough going for a while. The best I could do was hunch over, point my helmet 45 to keep it from getting wrenched sideways and lean on the left handlebar to keep the bike going strait. With all that my neck was wearing out, me right leg was cramping up from constant pushing and my hands were burning keeping a hold on the grips. So I got in 460 miles todayb but they weren't easy ones and felt like a lot more.

I did get a nice dinner at Mr. Rib in Neepawa. Of course then I was full, feeling good and set my sights about 100 miles up the road- at which point the cluouds I'd been eyeing all day decided it was time to have some fun with me. So it started raining. Not the most pleasant way to end a long day so I decided to go ahead and do a motel again. After all the wind my body wanted a bed but the rain sealed the deal.

I want to write more, tell you how long I found the earplugs to last and how they fail but the yawns are telling me its bedtime and I've earned it today. More later.

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