Saturday, September 17, 2011

Day 4: White River to Dryden, ON (Aaron Prov. Parc) via Thunder Bay

Around 3 I crossed into the Central Time Zone. I've never done that on the ground before. I also entered the Arctic tributary region. Rain that falls here flows to the Arctic Ocean. Or any that I spill from my lunch. Well not really, there evaporation and weather patterns so mine probably won't make it... but I'll spill a little before I go, just in case.

The road got a lot longer after Thunder Bay. GPS said something like, next turn 430 miles when I turned west rather than continue south. I made sure I got gas. There will be towns and such along the way but nothing major until Winnipeg. I'm feeling a little daunted at the moment. I'm just about 1500 miles into the trip so I think I'm about half way to Banff, plus anything I get before calling it quits today- it's just 3:45 as I write this, or rather 2:45 central. Just seems like a long ways left to go before I can turn around to work my way home. I do the same thing with running sometimes, start feeling that every stride is another I'll have to make on the way back. At least it's not raining, looks like today might be the first day I avoid getting rained on.

I'm staying at a provincial parc tonight. Seems really nice. Rode around to find a campsite then went back to the gate to self check in. Just when I was done a ranger pulled up and asked if I needed anything, like firewood. I had looked around earlier for any but it was all locked up so, yay, I get to have a fire after all. Its going to be cold tonight so that's nice.

I'm missing some people from home but I got to talk to my mom for her birthday for a few minutes. Finally figured out I need to dial 1 before the number up here, even from a cell phone. Not sure if incoming works.

Freeze dried chili mac with beef was really good for dinner.

The journey continues!

1 comment:

Alan said...

Love the Latitude 90 West sign! ...Sounds like it's been a very scenic adventure thus far. You've covered quite a bit of ground already!