Friday, July 20, 2007

The Motorcycle Diaries: Day 5

July 20: Copake Falls, NY to Ricketts Glen State Park, PA

miles: 252
time: 8 hours

The ride through the Catskills was good but cold and windy! My gear dried out but I never got good and warm on the ride. Had dinner early (lunch late?) at Trails End just outside of Ricketts Glen. -Really good strawberry milkshake if you ever get the chance. The burger was good too as indicated by the speed in which I scarfed it down.

On the way I tried to stretch gas at one point and got nervous, ended up looking for the closest based on GPS... darn thing brought me 3 miles on a dirt road as a "shortcut". Half my gear was ready to topple off my bike by the time I bounced onto a real road. Looking back it looks like there might have been a good gas-station 5 miles down the road from where I turned off that the GPS didn't know about. Oh well, I now know my bike will do 130 miles without switching to reserve but I didn't see a whole lot left in the tank when I opened it. (I finally checked the manual and it tells me I have a 4 gallon tank so I should be able to do 150 miles easy.)

I think that's about all for today... it's chilly here, I should sleep well. With any luck I'll be up early to explore some waterfalls around here, I was too sleepy to do it before sunset today, but it looks like tomorrow will be a long day so it might be just as good for me to set out early. I'll have to leave the waterfalls for another trip.

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