Thursday, October 10, 2013


I'm sure you've seen those black and white oval stickers people are using as bumper stickers. In not sure their lineage but when I first saw them they were mainly used to identify touristy places by acronym or pseudo-acronym: OBX for the outer banks of NC, DI for Duck Island, etc. Then I started seeing them for colleges, then sports teams. Now it's race distances. I see a lot of 13.1 and 26.2 for half marathons and marathons respectively. There are also the 70.3 and 140.6 for half Ironman and Ironman distance triathlons. I thought about getting one to commemorate my 30 miles of Lobsterman Triathlon  but after my USAT sticker fell off out of shame I kinda gave up on the idea of sticking things to my car. My geek side took over and I came up with a sticker that commemorates people who made it through a year on Earth - 585,000,000 miles. Then I started thinking I could have a little + so people could display their total mileage for the year, but of course that's just going too far :-).

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