Thursday, September 22, 2011

Day 10: East Glacier, MT to Broadus, MT via Billings, MT and Custer National Forest

Today was a long day, 530.5 miles for the day, my furthest day so far on this trip bringing the trip total to 4,025.8 miles. That puts me around 2/3 of the way through, milage wise, I think.

I was thinking of all the things I've seen along this trip- a buffalo (because I saw one today), deer, mountains goats, rabbits, a herron, birds of all kinds, many, many bugs, some living, most smooshed on me, my bike or my helmet, a black squirel, perhaps a pokupine?, he ran up the other side of a tree just as I saw him, horses, sheep, cows, bulls. I've been through all kinds of weather, hot sun (like today and my first day through New Hampshire, wind (again today), heavy rain, cloudy skies that go on forever, a million stars on a cold Canadian night, frost and freezing temps that I thought meant winter was here, only to be hit by high 80s a day later. I've seen wonderful, beautiful things and sad things. I've been excited, afraid, feerless. I've pushed on when I didn't think I could, I've been stubborn and not given up when I should have, I've sensed danger and turned back (only to have danger find me anyway!). I've been hot, cold, hungry, tired, stuffed, rejuvinated, awestruck, humbled, lonely and befriended... it has certainly been an adventure. And I'm not done.

What to say of today specifically? Its mostly a blur, partly for the miles and partly for the terrain- it just goes on forever out here. Not many people, I can tell you that. Towns are small and far between. A lot of reservation land, I started the day on a Blackfoot reservation and passed through Crow reservation not long before I ended here. I'm in another motel, I think this puts me 50% camping, 50% motel and probably mainly motel here out. I got my camping in and now I'm more interested in making miles so unless I see something good in northern Michigan its probably motels for me.

On not going into Glacier NP. First was that they are doing construction on the Going To The Sun road so its mostly closed for the season. I could have ridden maybe 30 miles to do the 16 miles up to the pass but I figure I'll save it for next time when I can do the whole thing. The other thing, the weather was looking iffy so not a great day to be hanging around. I also decided I don't enjoy hiking alone nearly as much. I'd rather get home a day early and do a hike with my friend Katie, or any of my friends, or even just my dog. I just haven't mastered hiking alone, I push myself too hard and think way too much. So Glacier lost out on this trip but I'll still go through Badlands NP tomorrow. That was part of the reason to make so many miles today, to leave time tomorrow to take my time through the park.

And last thing before I drift off to sleep, found a great little pizza place for dinner. It was also a theater and movie theater in the back. Really a cool, odd place. The kind of place I would probably like to hang out at if I were in high school here. And they were playing all 90s music while I was there- Goo Goo Dolls, TLC, Aqua (Barbie Girl), Tom Cochrine, Counting Crows. All in all a cool experience so I bought a t-shirt.

That's it for tonight, hopefully a few more states under my belt tomorrow, and the decision, do I head north or south to get home?

(Sorry no pics today, just realized I didn't take any today!)

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