Saturday, September 26, 2009

Day Four: Inverness, NS

September 26: Cavendish, PEI to Inverness, NS
miles: 208 ridden
time: 7 hours with the ferry

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The ride out of PEI was nice, good roads and finally out of the rain. We drove through Charlottetown towards Wood Islands to catch the 12:30 NFL ferry to Nova Scotia. The ferry ride was nice too, 75 minutes. We got lunch as we rode.

Decided to bypass Port Hawkesbury and find some camping along the Ceilidh Trail. The first option at Port Hooddidn't look great, an arena in a field, exposed to the sea. The next option at Mabou hadn't opened this year. That's how we ended up at Inverness Beach Village.

Dinner was a cafe in town, Coalminer Cafe I think. Another couple from, I think Vancouver, maybe Calgary, were the only other patrons on our side of the restaurant and were interested in talking. The had come in from Newfoundland and were headed through PEI toward St. John, so the way we had just come.

Back at the campsite, I found a friendly dog waiting when I left the washrooms. He startled me at first but turned out to be really friendly. He was huge but very friendly, wanted his belly rubbed more than anything. He stayed at the campsite for a couple hours after following me back.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Day Three: Cavendish, PEI

Sept. 25: St. John, NB to Cavendish, PEI
miles: 220
time: 6 hours

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First the rain, then the wind, oh the wind. Today was a test: rainy, cold, windy. In the 40s and rainy but the worst was the wind. Especially on the bridge out to PEI. But otherwise the countryside was beautiful. Prince Edward Island seems like it could be a worderful place to see in the right conditions. With all the wind churning the ocean I would have loved to get a dramatic photo of the seaside but the rain kept my camera in it's home today. We also decided to go for a relatively cheap cabin rather than camp to give our gear a chance to dry. Not a bad day, I hope I didn't give the wrong impression, just a lot of adventure and some battling against the elements.
Now off to find a hearty dinner.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Day Two: Saint John, NB

Sept. 24: Portland, ME to Saint John, NB
miles: 300
time: 7 hours

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Lots of miles today. Set out with dad this morning around 9. Great weather for riding, started out a little warm at 70 but soon fell to around 65 for the rest of the ride. Crossed the border in Calais. Not a problem but more security than there used to be. Apperently I followed too closely to the car in front when we pulled in to the booth? I didn't see any instructions...
Had lunch at a little diner before Calais, nothing special.
Hotel tonight, oh the luxery. Off to find dinner now, not a lot of prospects nearby. -kp

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day One: Portland, ME

September 23: Maynard, MA to Portland, ME

miles: 124

time: ~2.5 hours with a big stopover in the middle

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A working day but worked the morning at home so I could finish packing. As soon as I got to work my coworker friends were in the parking lot to usher me to Flatbread. I'll miss working so close to such a great pizza place.

After an unremarkable afternoon and a final meeting I headed up to Portland. Had some of my mom's spaghetti. A good day food-wise. It hardly feels like the trip has started, being at my parents place, but I am on my way- a few more miles on the R1200R.

Tomorrow should be more interesting.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Nova Scotia Loop Trip

My next trip begins tomorrow. I leave Massachusetts in the afternoon and over the course of a couple days I'll make my way up to Meat Cove at the northern tip of Nova Scotia.

Check back to see how things go, I'll try to keep updating as I travel.