Thursday, June 30, 2005


Driving toward work yesterday I saw a very nice (it looked nice at speed anyway) men's dress shoe along the side of the highway. It struck me as very funny, in a very zen way, a shoe just living out it's life on the side of the highway. Who would expect to see a shoe on the road like that? I don't think most people would. Who owned the shoe? Do they miss it? Where has the other shoe gone? How did it come about that the shoe ended up on the highway like that? I bet it is a good story.

And it ties in to my idea the other morning. I was in the shower making use of my freesia scented soap, sort of listening to some music in the background. I got an idea for a music video and that idea grew into an idea for a company.

::SONG:: Yellowcard - Rocket
::VIDEO:: Open with frames of band members sleeping in their separate, disparate apartments. Morning light. Song fades in. Band wakes up, get out of bed, put on clothes, put on instruments. Each step into shower (clothes on?) with instruments. Water is pounding off instruments, especially effective with drums as water is splashing everywhere (close up). Next each band member is going about daily chores: grocery store, walking down aisles...

Now, imagine if people, we'll say creative, motivated, self-starting people were given the freedom to do anything they want. Exist a company that's sole purpose is to enable it's employees. That day I wake up and decide to produce a music video, or maybe just write out my ideas, post it and someone else gets excited about actually producing a video while I move onto other tasks. Maybe something like MacGuyvers Phoenix Foundation, a think tank for talented people. I get a salary and job security and benefits, the company gets the output of my creativity. I think my idea is bankable, but say it isn't, maybe my next idea is to create an MP3 player with advanced features that real people would really like. I put some nice searching algorithms in it. Say once again worst case happens, the MP3 player is a bust but the company still has intellectual property that is valuable and could be licensed to other electronics manufacturers. The point is that I think people who are excited about what they do can accomplish great things but it is very hard to motivate people, there may be a way to harness the motivation people have inside.